A few sources have discovered that Microsoft has boosted the Xbox One's CPU by 150 MHz, making it now 1.75GHz. This in addition to the GPU boosted earlier last month from 800 MHz to 853 MHz. While this is good for consumers, every little bit helps, but from a professional stand point I see one of two things:
1.) They were rushed in planning the console.
2.) There is a noticeable discrepancy in performance compared to the rival (PS4) and this is an attempt to bridge the gap.
In all likelihood, it could be both, there unrealistic and unwanted policies being changed is a sign of disconnect with the community or potentially haphazard ideas thrown together hastily. One thing is for sure, we don't know the actual speeds of the PS4's hardware, but from the start in the GPU is approximately 50% more powerful at rendering than the Xbox One. Realistically we will see this show up at 10~30% boost in frame rates at equal settings, possibly more as developers get more and more used to the hardware in question.
Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/09/04/xbox-one-is-now-in-full-production-with-an-improved-cpu
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